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Monday, 11 April 2011


   As a first task I would like to ask every person who reads this post, to try, without analysing the picture too much, try to figure out what's depicted here. After that, take a longer, better look and compare it with your first impression. I think most of you will have a big surprise.
    Perspective plays a monumental role in art regardless of its form. John Berger is an English critic, novelist, painter and author. 'Never will a single story be told as though it's the only one' John Berger (Viking Press, 1972; p. 129). There is a lot we can take from his quote, and I think this is what motivates most photographers, or artists for that matter. You will always try to put your special marker on each creation, make it unique, own it, really own it not just under the copyright law, but have your own perspective in each piece. It’s all about perspective, the way you see the image, then create it, and how you inspire the viewer to read it, thru composition, effects, lights etc.

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